13 Mar 2022

MiSeq post run washes: an update

In a previous post I described how our 5% bleach solution for post-run washes had gone bad. Recently I did three MiSeq runs in a row with various amplicons. This was a chance for me to investigate potential carryover contamination between runs, as usually much time passes and multiple washes occur between runs. I was surprised to find a correlation between amplicon read numbers between the first two runs. Carryover levels were around 0.02% , whereas Illumina's Technical Support Note indicates "as low as 0.001% " after carrying out the bleach post-run wash. Between the second and third runs I did the post-run wash twice; this seems to have eliminated any carryover. The current batch of bleach arrived ~8 months ago; this is already too long ago it seems. 

Run2 read numbers represent carryover contamination from Run1, for the loci ITS and Uni18s. Each point represents an index combination which was used in Run1 but not Run2.